General Extractions

Ensuring for your Comfort is our #1 Priority

General Extractions

If you have a painful damaged or diseased tooth that is beyond treatment, you usually have no choice but to remove it. However, extraction isn’t usually the final step in treatment of a diseased tooth, but the first step toward a healthier mouth. Without healthy tooth roots, your jawbone can begin to deteriorate.

Dental implants are a preferred solution that will restore your dental function and your confidence, as well as preserve your dental health after an extraction. Dr. Silegy is an expert in tooth extraction and often can remove the diseased tooth and even place a dental implant to replace the lost tooth, on the same you day come for your initial consultation.


Dr. Silegy

What Makes Dr. Tim Silegy Stand Out From the Rest?

Tooth Extractions Offer Relief—And An Opportunity

Infected, damaged teeth can cause pain so severe that eating, drinking, and even sleeping becomes a challenge. Although we always recommend saving natural teeth, if a tooth is unsalvageable, we advise a tooth extraction in order to save your overall health. Left in place, a sick tooth can compromise the surrounding teeth, bone, and gums and cause lasting pain. With expert training, our oral and maxillofacial surgeon is considered a specialist in tooth extractions.

With expertise developed through years of additional training after dental school, oral surgeons are prepared for any eventuality. We welcome patients with pre-existing conditions and frequently take cases others turn away. We also offer the comprehensive services patients need during a tooth extraction (anesthesia services) as well as after (bone grafting and dental implants). Using state-of-the-art technology, we not only provide a comfortable surgical experience, but we’re also able to replace your unsalvageable tooth immediately after extraction with a natural-looking dental implant. In just one day we can remove the cause of your pain and provide a new source of confidence. If you’re looking for a trusted doctor for your tooth extraction in Long Beach, CA, see one that can provide the complete care you need for a functional, lasting, and healthy smile.

Make Way For An Upgrade

Your tooth extraction shouldn’t be the last stage of your treatment. With the exception of wisdom teeth, we frequently recommend replacing extracted teeth with dental implants. The only permanent tooth replacement, dental implants look and act just like natural teeth due to their similar structure—post (tooth root) and restoration (tooth crown). The dental implant post is surgically inserted into your jawbone to take the place of your extracted tooth root and includes the added benefit of stimulating healthy bone growth. Once this post has integrated fully with the bone, a custom dental crown is permanently attached using an abutment (connector piece). This tooth will look identical to your natural teeth and provide all the same functional benefits. Receiving this care from a surgical specialist with expert training in dental implants, you will likely be able to have a dental implant placed during the same visit as your tooth extraction. It’ll be as if you’d never had a tooth extracted in the first place!

Tooth Extraction Steps

Phase 1: Initial Consultation

Your dentist will usually refer you for a consultation for extraction of a diseased tooth. At your initial consultation, we will perform a thorough oral examination that includes a high-definition 3D digital CT scan (CBCT) of your jaw(s) to guide us in identifying where important anatomical structures are to help us plan the best treatment pathway to minimize post operative pain and risks. We will discuss anesthetic options and what to expect during the procedure and the days following. Once we have concluded the clinical planning phase, we will then review your investment as well as various payment options to ensure the treatment fits comfortably within your budget.

Phase 2: During the Procedure

Dr. Silegy in operatory with 2 assistants and elderly female patient receiving all-on-4 dental implants

Our first objective is to ensure you are completely comfortable so we will administer the anesthetic of choice that we determined with you is most appropriate for your comfort. Next, we’ll remove the unhealthy tooth and perform any necessary procedures such as bone grafting to repair lost jawbone.  If you are having an implant placed the same day, you may require a sinus lift to create the necessary space for the implant if it is for an upper back tooth. Last, we will anchor the implants into the optimal position in your jawbone and if possible, place any temporary teeth to ensure you have an attractive smile during the healing phase. You may need an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil during the first few days following the procedure, but many patients have very little discomfort and don’t require any medication at all. You will have post-operative instructions that you will go home with and will need to plan to rest for the day of the procedure.

Phase 3: One Week Following Your Extraction Appointment

One week following your extraction appointment, you may need to return to the office to check your healing and remove any stitches. After this appointment, you can return to normal activities. If you’ve had an implant placed, you will have a follow-up appointment in 3-4 months to check the healing and integration of the implant with your jawbone. This will determine when it is appropriate to return to your restorative dentist for the permanent restoration.

Why Our Patients Love Us

The Silegy Experience is all about you, the patient. We want you to feel relaxed, pampered, and well taken care of when you’re in our care. See for yourself what our patients have to say about their care and experience at Silegy OMFS.


Duane's STORY

An All-on-4 Procedure Can Provide a Full Natural Smile

Carla's STORY

If you have had a bad dental experience, Dr. Silegy is who you need to see

General Extractions FAQ

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices turpis in lorem condimentum, sed iaculis felis porttitor. Etiam nunc mi, faucibus in eros nec, pulvinar maximus odio. Donec congue a orci sed ultrices. Vivamus bibendum ante vel finibus aliquam. Sed at felis ac enim posuere pharetra. Nulla euismod lobortis diam ac malesuada. Suspendisse eget erat sit amet leo interdum sodales nec vel velit. Fusce iaculis sed sem sit amet tincidunt. Morbi ut ultricies nisl. Suspendisse eu pulvinar tellus. Fusce eu est varius, mattis nulla nec, faucibus est. Suspendisse sed pharetra mi, vitae pulvinar est. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices turpis in lorem condimentum, sed iaculis felis porttitor. Etiam nunc mi, faucibus in eros nec, pulvinar maximus odio. Donec congue a orci sed ultrices. Vivamus bibendum ante vel finibus aliquam. Sed at felis ac enim posuere pharetra. Nulla euismod lobortis diam ac malesuada. Suspendisse eget erat sit amet leo interdum sodales nec vel velit. Fusce iaculis sed sem sit amet tincidunt. Morbi ut ultricies nisl. Suspendisse eu pulvinar tellus. Fusce eu est varius, mattis nulla nec, faucibus est. Suspendisse sed pharetra mi, vitae pulvinar est. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices turpis in lorem condimentum, sed iaculis felis porttitor. Etiam nunc mi, faucibus in eros nec, pulvinar maximus odio. Donec congue a orci sed ultrices. Vivamus bibendum ante vel finibus aliquam. Sed at felis ac enim posuere pharetra. Nulla euismod lobortis diam ac malesuada. Suspendisse eget erat sit amet leo interdum sodales nec vel velit. Fusce iaculis sed sem sit amet tincidunt. Morbi ut ultricies nisl. Suspendisse eu pulvinar tellus. Fusce eu est varius, mattis nulla nec, faucibus est. Suspendisse sed pharetra mi, vitae pulvinar est. 

Schedule an Appointment

Silegy OMFS sees patients by appointment, beginning with your initial consultation. We will take the time to understand your needs, your goals and concerns, then discuss what options are available to you, so you can make the right decision for your health. We care to ensure all your questions are answered and you are fully informed and confident in the decisions you make for your health. We have many options to ensure your care is affordable and fits within your budget. For your comfort, we welcome you to bring a family member or important person who helps you make health decisions. 

Anesthesia Options

One of the great things about seeing an Oral Surgeon for your wisdom teeth extractions, is the ability to simply “sleep” throughout the entire procedure. Oral surgeons are board certified in profound anesthesia techniques and therefore are fully qualified to use general or sedation anesthesia, allowing you to be unaware of the procedure and completely relaxed and comfortable. Choosing the right anesthesia for your comfort is vital to having the best possible experience. We will explain all your options, from local to general anesthesia and also options in between, and together, discover what is the superior option for you.